• Hello,

    Im new here at this forum but I hope that you can help me with problem that I have with on Bizerba SC II 800 scale unit.
    Mine Bizerba have next problem: when I turn ON scale at displey shows only Bizerba for few seconds then shows Bizerba SC II 800 for few seconds, then
    shows message: SC II Autostart Messanger... I reed that problem can be SD card so I discconect this card and put it in card reader on my computer and I saw that this card not working. I buy new SD card 2 GB but I need files for Bizerba SC II 800 so that I can copy this files to SD card and tray it on my scale.

    I hope that you can help me with this problem..

    you can e-mail me to chajni@hotmail.com

    Best regards,

    Josip : D

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Josip Jurkovic (20. Februar 2014 um 09:05) aus folgendem Grund: add email